lo9i Land

lo9i Land

lo9i Twitch F.A.Q.

Who are you? A/S/L?

Aaron / 43 / Male / English-speaking (Australian).

Waitaminute… something different. I thought you were logicaust?

Yes, yes I was. After some reflection, I decided to change my internet handle to the shorter “logi”. I always intended for logicaust to mean “a logical guy from Australia” – logic + Aust. However, it’s too close to another word, associated with what happened to a certain group of people in WW2.

Couldn’t get ‘logi’ on many social media platforms, so I took ‘lo9i’ for some. I chose the number “9” because if you think about it (this is a stretch, but hear me out), it kind of looks like the letter “g”, right?

It’s had the interesting side-effect of people referring to me as “low nine”. Now, some have been saying “logi”, like “logic” or the Greek god Logi/Loki, don’t get me wrong. But, it’s almost like I have a dual user handle now – and that’s pretty cool. tl;dr IDGAF, put your spin on it, it amuses me 🙂

Do you stream regularly?

I’ve had schedules in the past, then periods of “I’ll stream when I want”. As of 17/05/24, I feel like I *should* go back to a schedule, but I like things to be ready & in place. It’s taken a while (since Jan 2024) to get things in order, but I’m in a good spot now to re-commence regular streaming. I’ll still probably try for 7-11 weekdays, because that time period has always felt like a good stream time, but I don’t really want to be restricted to this time.

What kind of things do/will you stream?

Retro and modern video games, and I also intend to do book readings (sporadically). A page that lists what I’m currently streaming on Twitch can be found here.

What games have you completed on stream?

Check out this post here, where I give more details.

What kinds of software do you use?

I dual boot Manjaro (KDE Plasma), and Win10. I run the Flatpak version of OBS (currently 30.1.2 as of 14/05/24) – the Manjaro repository version of OBS is a mindf**k to try and get to run; Flatpak just gets it done. My computer’s specs can be found here.

I used to use StreamLabs, but now I use Stream Elements for alerts and stuff. As far as emulation goes: RetroArch primarily, but sometimes individual emulators, as needed (e.g. Kega Fusion, Snes9x, PCSX2, RPCS3, Dolphin, VBA-M, and VICE).

Retro Achievements? What’s that?

Have a look at their website here – it will tell you all you need to know.

Where are your old VODs?

Starting from stream #0075, game play portions from streams have been edited and uploaded to YouTube on my 2nd channel, found here. Will every game make it? Probably not, but unless I do something mortifying on camera, it’s likely that everything will find its way to the channel.

As far as past games go, I have the footage, but I’ll probably let those past streams be a memory. In addition, details of past streams can be found here.

Do you intend to become a Twitch Affiliate / Partner?

Nah mate. But, if I get 500 followers & 50+ concurrent viewership (consistently, and over a period of 3 months), I will apply to become Affiliate, and give everything I receive to a designated charity. This “Twitch thing” I’m hooked on will *always* be a creative outlet – it will never be my job/”side hussle”.

Do you have any Twitch goals?

I guess my goals are to keep improving on aspects of the stream, such as awareness of chat, audio level issues, stream visual quality, and enjoying the process (so I don’t get bored of things). Another goal would be to have consistent discussion in the chat, so I can talk about things with the viewers, instead of topics I might have prepared. I think all of these goals are achievable, given more experience.

Other than that, I have ~170 followers at the moment, so… get more folk to visit & watch? Onward and upward, as they say.

I guess if we’re talking specifics, I’d like more VIP slots. Apparently you can get up to 100, and it’s dependant on how many unique chatters are in the stream.

I don’t want to agree to contracts, or oblige people to give me anything other than their time and positive energy. I feel the exchange of money leads to certain expectations/obligations, and I don’t need that added complication to something I consider my creative outlet.

Can I be a mod?

When I need more moderators, I will ask.

Where can I donate? Bits? Sub?

I don’t accept donations, bits or subs.

Can I ask for a song to be played?

Perhaps in the future, if I’m doing a stream that is mainly music-based. Thing is, playing copyrighted audio is a great way to get your channel termianted for copyright infridgement. I do make the rules; I just have to abide by them – same as everyone else. Sooooo … probably not.

Can I raid your channel?

You can! I do ask that you please keep it clean & civil.

Can I post links in your chat?

Since I can’t figure out how to limit it to VIPs only with StreamElements, I’ll just go with a blanket “no”.

May I promote my channel in your chat?

I had a whole wall of text on this very question, but I’ve decided to change it. This is my honest view.

I don’t mind if people promote themselves in my channel – many people who watch me are streamers themselves. But just because you allude to the fact you stream, or self-promote overtly, it doesn’t mean I will look at your channel (or have the time to). It doesn’t mean the people in chat watching will, either.

If you’ve hung out and watched a few streams, interacted with me and the people watching for a while, you’ve developed a rapport – I think people will naturally become curious as to whether you stream or not. They’ll seek you out, if you’ve been around. And that will happen based on the way you interact with everyone.

So, in closing, please read the room. Sure, talk about video games, your life etc. – be natural. Keep the sales pitch in your pocket if you want to be viewed as a real person, you know what I mean? K.

How do I know if you’re streaming?

If you are logged into your Twitch account & follow me, you’ll be notified that I’m live with a notification from Twitch ~2 minutes after I start (this notification is only there a few seconds – unless you disabled such notifications). You’ll also see that I’m live in the “Followed Channels” section – top left, collapsible sidebar of browser window.

Also, my StreamElements bot will announce when I’m about to go live in my Discord server (within ~5 minutes of starting). Otherwise, I generally follow my schedule. If something comes up, I’ll (usually) put myself in vacation mode within the Schedule tab of Twitch.

I had a Twitter, then Elon came along and turned it into an even-weirder place than before, so I no longer notify if I’m going live there (because I deleted my 10 year old account lol).

You have a Discord server?!

Yup. Type !discord within the Twitch chat window to get the invite link. Or, click on the Linktr.ee link (here) on my “About” tab of my Twitch page.

I had a look at some of your VODs – stream quality is potato for some games. Why is that?

Variety of factors. Sometimes Twitch bandwidth bottlenecks, sometimes the bitrate fluctuates in OBS due to sudden switches between action/calm scenes & the encoding takes a while to stabilize. In most of my recent recordings, the quality has been of an acceptable standard, as far as Twitch VODs go.

I *could* stream and record simultaneously, but eventually the big boi VOD on my HDD needs to be uploaded to YouTube – basically, it’s a bit of a counter-productive process. Just keep quality high as I stream, and the VODs (usually) aren’t potato. Also, my graphics card is an AMD, so I don’t get access to the NVIDIA NVENC encoder. The AMD hardware encoder still lags behind, in that respect. But hey – at least it works.

What settings do you use in OBS?

The main settings I use are:

Rescale output: Unchecked.
1920×1080 Canvas, downscaled to 1280×720 (in Video tab). 60fps.
Encoder: FFmpeg VAAPI H.264
VAAPI Device: Navi 14 [Radeon RX 5500/5500M / Pro 5500M]
Profile: Constrained Baseline (default)
Level: 4.0 (default) (Compatibility mode)
Rate Control: CBR (default)
Bitrate: 7000 Kbps Changed this back to 6000 Kbps, because I was getting constant Twitch issues
Keyframe Interval (0 = auto): 2s

Where did NightBot go?

I made the switch from StreamLabs to StreamElements, and along with that, NightBot’s functionality was superceded by the newer Stream Elements bot. NightBot was a good boi that did nothing wrong, but Stream Elements is a far more complete/advanced bot – no need to keep NightBot around. RIP NightBot – we barely knew ye.

What are Stream Elements’ (bot) commands?

There is a link within the public Stream Elements dashboard here that links pretty much everything. Except the hidden commands …

There’s a lot of Stream Elements stuff here. Quick explanation please?

Alright. So. There is a point system enabled on the channel. Watch my stream for 10 minutes, you get 50 Points. Follow me (one-time thing), and you get 200 Points. Points can be redeemed for various things in the store. Remember, you need to be logged into Twitch for the Stream Elements bot to recognize you & allocate points. No sign up required.

Why haven’t you named your points anything?

I did, but it wasn’t funny enough to persist with it. I called them “Jabubu”, but if you didn’t watch a particular Joel Haver video, then you wouldn’t get the reference. And at the end of the day? It just felt a bit much. So, KISS principle.

Stream Elements Store? Redeems? What’s this?

Yes, you can redeem channel points – look at the store page here. You can either redeem within the store page (easiest), or within Twitch chat with commands. You can redeem while I am streaming – not when I’m offline. The redeems have descriptions of what you get for redeeming. Basically, it’s a loyalty system.

I can’t seem to get the redeem command to work in Twitch chat?

You need to do the command, then a message (255 character maximum). So for example, to redeem Double Dragon (NES) – which is 39000 points, you’d type in chat: !nes06 message (e.g. !nes06 Golden Axe! thx).

Is there a list of all the Stream Elements redeem commands?

Yes, you can find it here.

Is there a redeem queue, or do you play games as they are redeemed?

There is a queue – it’s designed so that I can retain (some of) my sanity. It can be found here.

Where did you get your Twitch panel pictures?

I used the free panel creation tool on the NerdOrDie website at first, but I had a specific template I wanted to make, so I did. However, these were influenced by how the NerdOrDie panels turned out. I’d still recommend that tool, mostly because it’s easy to make many very quickly & make that part of your Twitch uniform.

I have more questions!

This FAQ is a work in progress; questions/info added as needed.

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