lo9i Land

lo9i Land

Messing around with email accounts

Not the most exciting post to follow up the first with, but that’s the great thing about having your own website – you can do you.

So, I’m going through the process of setting up email accounts, and that’s gone smoothly, but now a different issue raises its head. Now, I don’t know about all of you lot out there, but I personally have accrued nine different email accounts (including the two that I just made). You might think “Why on earth do you have so many email accounts?!” I think a bit of a history lesson is in order.

When I first started using the internet regularly (back in 1999 – great year, but I digress), I had 1 email account on Hotmail. I’ve since rid myself of that account, but I then created 3 different GMail accounts. At the time (around 2005-06), GMail was quickly becoming *the* free email standard, with a lot of space to keep emails on the server without having to regularly clean them out. Why 3 accounts? YouTube was tied to one’s Google account (it still is, which is very annoying to be honest), I have a throwaway GMail email account, and another GMail account under my own name.

I thought that that would be that, but about 2011-12, I started getting very shitty with YouTube/Google in general, in part due to a number of public missteps & security issues with Google at the time. So, I started looking for a different free email home, and found it with gmx.com. I was, and still am, generally pleased with the service & security over at gmx.com. I’ve created 3 different accounts there: the first was for my online username (this time without the 1; IDK who the eff got the logicaust GMail, but suffice to say, was a little shitty about that). The 2nd was another throwaway email, and the last was a personal email under my own name.

Now you might say “Easy – just close down the emails that you don’t want/need anymore”. Oh, if only it were that simple. No, it’s not the closing of the emails that’s the issue at all. These accounts are tied to other social media platforms & websites. This is the real issue. If I had my little way, I’d keep the emails that I’ve recently created at my personal email at gmx (so, three in total). But it has been a sunavabeach parsing through my bookmarks & passwords, essentially looking at whether I can change details on certain sites (or if it’s even allowed) – it seems that, if I want to keep the logicaust YouTube channel, I must associate it with my GMail, which is … rage-inducing.

Anyway, that’s the thing about having multiple to-do lists – to get things done. This will hopefully not take an eternity, and I can get about 6 email addresses out of my life ;_; First world problems.


Well, why can’t I?

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