lo9i Land

lo9i Land

“Ohshi, he’s installed WordPress…”

Welcome to the Lo9isphyre (God, it’s all so pretentious, isn’t it?)

I’m unsure what kind of blog I should turn this into: just fill it with pictures of boiled eggs, or perhaps turn it into a hug-box, where I whine about my insecurities and stuff? Hmm, will need more time to think on it. And before you say anything, I already thought about doing that, but I don’t think I could get away with it without you-know-who doing a bit of you-know-what :3

Hmm, I think I’ll use this post to discuss why I’ve created this blog. I’ve always wanted a creative outlet that wasn’t confined to someone else’s ToS (don’t worry – everything here’s strictly above board, b0ss). YouTube used to be an easy outlet for this creativity, but after multiple anti-user “facelifts” and changes, the YT community has changed a lot. Not in a good way, either. Not only that, keeping up with back-and-forth discussions is frustrating. Forget about searching for a 7-year-old conversation chain – it’s buried, unless you have the fortitude to click the “more” button a hundred jillion times & have the eagle eye to spot your comment chain. Gah! Don’t get me started on BooTube, seriously.

Speaking of social media, I used to have FaceBook, but got rid of it years ago. My only regret is that networking is much harder, because a lot of people can’t be bothered to email or Skype (go figure). Lately, I have started to embrace Twitter for a cheeky bit of shit posting, but I definitely prefer being free to express my thoughts at length, not within a ~140 character limit (or whatever they changed it to recently).

Right. Back to why I made a blog.

In a nutshell, I wanted a place (have paid for the “privilege”, of course) where I could unleash walls of text. The whole process of blurting out my thoughts is, for me, very enjoyable. I don’t really do it to “be correct” or “prove a point”, but it engages me intellectually & almost always ends up exposing me to new & wonderful experiences. I’m sure that some of you are familiar with writing a Lincoln letter? It’s cathartic & cleansing, isn’t it? For me, writing down my thoughts is exactly that.

Now in the past, I’ve done some blogging but it was all so … not like this time, so get off my candlestick. I’ve always kind of wanted a situation where I log in, write a text post, upload it, rinse-repeat, and not be embarrassed by how amateur the blog looked. But the blogs I used were always so naff. I quickly lost interest because they weren’t engaging. But this particular theme (Destin Hitchcock) … it really spoke to me. In my ideal world, a wall in my house would have pictures all over it. I’d gaze over it & remember those moments in time, and be inspired (or comforted, or a range of other emotions). This WP theme is pretty much “that wall” (and I will eventually create an IRL wall, mark my words), and I hope to grow this wall. Little digital memories.

And if you want, you can tag along for the ride. Maybe it inspires you to finally do that project you’ve put on the back burner? That’d be cool.

In the near future, I will be “returning” to YouTube, aka BooTube, so “look forward” to that. My channel is logi. Speaking of video, when a few things get sorted out on my end, I plan on … streaming occasionally. On Twitch. Fancy that. I’ll write about that in advance – watch this space. My Twitter is itslo9i. I’m not really interested in getting a blue “verified” checkmark, though. I’ve also created a Discord server, but will quarantine that until I kick things off in the coming months which you can join. Right, I think that’s everything I wanted to cover (and then some).

Let’s do this! First post – DONE! Peace.

The idiot that runs this terrible website.

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